Transition Planning Checklists

Transition groups:

1- College Bound Immediate: Students graduating in four years going directly to a post-secondary program (2+ years of college), no transition support/services from Post Grad program

2- Competitive Employment/Military: Students graduating directly to competitive employment/military, no transition support/services from the Post Grad program

3- Post Grad Competitive: Students who may spend some time in post-grad program and need support with transition/job development including DVR, no long-term services/support

4- Post Grad Supported: Students moving to post-grad program after 3-4 years of academic programming (or when degree requirements are reached), stay in school until 21, receive long-term support

5- Supported Employment: Students entering transition program as a freshman, stay in school until 21, receive long-term support

Transition Checklist - T1 College Bound Immediate

Student: ______________________ Grade: _____________ Exit Year: _______________

8th Grade

Meet with High School Teachers

Total Score:

Speak with case manager regarding high school courses

Begin to think about transition goals

Gather information about Freshman Orientation/Jump Start

9th Grade

Review Transition Goals/Planning checklist

Total Score:

College Prep Courses

Career Driven Electives

Pre-vocational Assessment

Aspire Testing

Develop Disability Awareness/Activities

10th Grade

Review Transition Goals/Planning checklist

Total Score:

College Prep courses

Career Driven Electives

Aspire Testing

Post-Secondary Exploration

ACT Prep course

Pre-voc practice at home

10th grade counselor meeting

Develop Resume

Continue to develop Disability Awareness

11th Grade

Review Transition Goals/Planning checklist

Total Score:

College Prep courses

Career Driven Electives

ACT with or without accommodations

College visits

Exhibit self-advocacy skills

Update Resume

Career/College Exploration

Possible Job Shadow or Volunteer experience

Apply to DVR (if applicable)

Summer work experience

12th Grade

Review Transition Goals/Planning checklist

Total Score

Complete degree credits

Career driven electives

College Applications

Research and work with Disability services at college

Post-vocational assessment


Scholarship/grant applications

Summer Work experience

T2 - Competitive Employment/Military

Student: __________________________ Grade: ____________ Exit Year: ____________

8th Grade

Meet with High School Teachers

Total Score:

Speak with case manager regarding high school courses

Begin to think about transition goals

Gather information about Freshman Orientation/Jump Start

9th Grade

Review Transition Goals/Planning checklist

Total Score:

Required Courses

Career Driven Electives

Pre-vocational Assessment

Aspire Testing

Develop Disability Awareness/Activities

10th Grade

Review Transition Goals/Planning checklist

Total Score:

Required Courses

Career Driven Electives

Aspire Testing

Post-Secondary Exploration

ACT Prep course

Pre-voc practice at home

10th grade counselor meeting

Develop Resume

Continue to develop Disability Awareness

11th Grade

Review Transition Goals/Planning Checklist

Total Score

Required Courses

Career Driven Electives

ACT with or without accommodations

Exhibit self-advocacy skills

Update Resume

Career Exploration

Possible Job Shadow or Volunteer experience

Apply to DVR (if applicable)

Summer and/or part time work experience

Meet with Recruiter if Military Bound

Meet with School to Work Coordinator

12th Grade

Review transition goals/Planning checklist

Total Score:

Complete Required Courses

Career Driven Electives

ASVAB (If applicable)

Develop Military Transition plan w/Recruiter (If applicable)

Possible Co-Op/Explore Post-Secondary Job Training

Consider Living On Your Own Course

Maintain employment

T3 - Post Grad Competitive

Student: ______________________ Grade: __________________ Exit Year: ____________

8th Grade

Meet with High School Teachers

Total Score:

Speak with case manager regarding high school courses

Begin to think about transition goals

Gather information about Freshman Orientation/Jump Start

9th Grade

Review Transition Goals/Planning checklist

Total Score:

Required Courses

Career Driven Electives

Pre-vocational Assessment

Aspire Testing

Develop Disability Awareness/Activities

10th Grade

Review Transition Goals/Planning checklist

Total Score:

Required Courses

Career Driven Electives

Aspire/DLM State Testing

Post-Secondary Exploration

ACT Prep course (if applicable)

Pre-voc practice at home

10th grade counselor meeting

Develop Resume

Continue to develop Disability Awareness

Enroll in Vocational Skills Course

11th Grade

Review Transition Goals/Planning Checklist

Total Score:

Required Courses

Career Driven Electives

ACT/State Testing

Exhibit self-advocacy skills

Update Resume

Career Exploration

Possible Job Shadow or Volunteer experience

Apply to DVR

Summer and/or part time work experience

Enroll in Vocational Skills Course (if not take in 10th grade)

Continue Pre-voc practice at home

Determine need to apply for ADRC

12th Grade/18 years old

Review Transition Goals/Planning Checklist

Total Score:

Complete Required Courses

Career Driven Electives

Consider Living On Your Own Course

At least 1 Job Shadow

At least 1 Volunteer Experience

Graduation Ceremony

Begin Adult Checklist

Explore Guardianship or Power of Attorney

Apply for SSI

Obtain State ID or Driver's License

Post Graduate Years (Age 18+)

Review Transition Goals/Planning Checklist

Total Score:

Enroll in Community Living Courses

Work experience (Paid or Unpaid, may not be final job)

In School Independent Living Practices/Courses

Transition year (May overlap with post-graduate years)

Job Development

Total Score:

Paid employment

Parent/Teacher Job Development Training

Further Discuss Transition Goals

Living post high school

Hours of employment

Post-Secondary Training

Transition team forms (meet quarterly)

Exit from high school (receive diploma)

T4 - Post Grad Supported

Student: ______________________ Grade: __________________ Exit Year: ____________

8th Grade

Meet with High School Teachers

Total Score:

Speak with case manager regarding high school courses

Begin to think about transition goals

Gather information about Freshman Orientation/Jump Start

9th Grade

Review Transition Goals/Planning checklist

Total Score:

Required Courses

Career Driven Electives

Pre-vocational Assessment

Aspire/DLM Testing

Develop Disability Awareness/Activities

10th Grade

Review Transition Goals/Planning checklist

Total Score:

Required Courses

Career Driven Electives

Aspire/DLM State Testing

Post-Secondary Exploration

Pre-voc practice at home

10th grade counselor meeting

Develop Resume

Continue to develop Disability Awareness

Enroll in Vocational Skills Course

11th Grade

Review Transition Goals/Planning Checklist

Total Score:

Required Courses

Career Driven Electives

State Testing

Exhibit self-advocacy skills

Update Resume

Career Exploration

Possible Job Shadow or Volunteer experience

Summer and/or part time work experience

Enroll in Vocational Skills Course (if not take in 10th grade)

Continue Pre-voc practice at home

12th Grade/18 years old

Review Transition Goals/Planning Checklist

Total Score:

Complete Required Courses

Career Driven Electives

Consider Living On Your Own Course

At least 1 Job Shadow

At least 1 Volunteer Experience

Graduation Ceremony

Begin Adult Checklist

Establish Guardianship or Power of Attorney

Apply for SSI

Obtain State ID or Driver's License

Apply for Long Term Support with ADRC

Post Graduate Years (Age 19-20)

Review Transition Goals/Planning Checklist

Total Score:

Academic Career focused courses

Enroll in Community Living Courses

In School Independent Living Practice/Courses

Determine and Document support needs

ADRC classification

Work data

Vocational evaluations

Job Development

Possible paid employment

Parent/Teacher Job Development training

Schedule Health and Wellness practice

Continued Independent Living Practice

Apply for DVR services

Further discuss transition goals

Living post high school

Hours of employment

Post-secondary training

Transition Year (Age 21)

Develop work schedule (fulfill IEP goal)

Total Score:

Post-Secondary Training/Course

Transition schedule out of the building (i.e. riding bus, YMCA)

Transition team forms (Meet every 6-8 weeks)

Exit from high school (receives diploma)

Transition Checklist - T5: Supported Employment

Student: _____________________________ Grade: ___________ Exit year: ___________

8th Grade

Meet with High School Teachers

Total Score:

Speak with case manager regarding high school courses

Begin to think about transition goals

Gather information about Freshman Orientation/Jump Start

9th Grade/10th Grade

Review transition goals

Total Score:

Academic Career and Independent Living focused courses

Physical education/elective courses

Community Acclimation

Group service learning +1 volunteer experience

Pre-vocational Skills

State Testing

Physical education/elective courses

Discuss Transition Goals

Parent long term support training (Determine exit yr)

11th Grade

Academic Career and Independent Living focused courses

Total Score:

Visual Resume

Physical education/elective courses

Possible job shadows (career exploration)

Begin Guardianship planning

1+ Interest Based volunteer/job shadow

Implement independent living practice

100% community participation

Determine transition goals/training needed

12th Grade/18yrs old

Academic Career and Independent Living focused courses

Total Score:

Complete Degree credits

Graduation ceremony

3 yr. Re-evaluation to document support needs

Begin Adult Checklist:

Establish Guardianship by 18th Birthday

Apply for SSI

Apply for DVR (If employed)

Obtain State ID

Apply for Long term support with ADRC

Work experience (Paid or Unpaid, may not be final job)

Course work on Independent living skills (banking, budgeting,

allowance, spending, personal hygiene)

Post Graduate Years (Age 19-20)

Determine and Document support needs

Total Score:

ADRC classification

Work data

Vocational evaluations

Job Development

Possible paid employment

Parent/Teacher Job Development training

Schedule Health and Wellness practice

Continued Independent Living Practice

Apply for DVR services

Further discuss transition goals

Living post high school

Hours of employment

Post-secondary training

Transition Year

Year six courses

Total Score:

Develop work schedule(fulfill IEP goal)

Transition schedule out of the building (i.e. riding bus, YMCA)

Transition team forms (Meet every 6-8 weeks)

Exit from high school (receives diploma)

"Year ________" Courses: All students will complete courses in vocational, functional academics and independent living skills each year**


LRP/August 23, 2017